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Norwegian and English Books ( filter: Authors starting with letter R)

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Gal Mann til Rett Tid

Author: Ringdal, Nils Johan
Publisher: Aschehoug 1989

Interessant portrett av Sverre Riisnæs

London Regjeringa

Author: Riste, Olav
Publisher: Det Norske Samlaget 1973

En ‘official’ historie utgitt av Forsvarets krigshistoriske avdeling. 2 bind.

Norway 1940-45 The Resistance Movement

Author: Riste, Olav and Nøkleby, Berit
Publisher: Tanum-Norli 1978

Short and concise

The Navy at War

Author: Roskill, Capt. S.W.
Publisher: Collins 1960

British Navy

One Good Man

Author: Rowling, Ruth
Publisher: Infinity Junction

A novel about the Resistance – poor substitute for the real thing

Usynlige soldater

Author: Rørholt, Bjørn
Publisher: Aschehoug 1990

Personlig om SIS radio agenter.

Amatørspionen ’Lerken’

Author: Rørholt, Bjørn A.
Publisher: Hjemmenes Forlag 1985

I spionens fotspor: Tirpitz, Trondheim, Oslo, med radio.

Krigens Dagbok

Author: Ruge, General Otto
Publisher: LibriArte 1995

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