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 Day Description  Notes
Stockholm – Official discussion about military training of up to 10000 Norwegian reserve forces. Police-Troops
Oslo – Several leaders of the illegal press organization arrested.
First joint-statement from leaders of “Kretsen” and “Milorg”  sent to Government in London – “agreement on strategy”.
Rjukan: Bombed by American aircraft.
Trondheim – Seven members of Wærdahl gang murdered and 9 others deported to “death camps” in Germany
Arendal – Three “Linge” men attack and partly destroy Eydehavn foundry.
Oslo ­ Einar Høigård, one of the University teachers’ leaders, committed suicide after intensive Gestapo torture.
Oslo – A fire broke out in the auditorium at Oslo University. Authorities blamed communist agitators.
Oslo – Terboven order German soldiers to arrest students at University and high schools. 1200 arrested, 650 were later deported to Germany.
  1943  /  Timeline  /  Last Updated November 27, 2013 by Geronimo Gando  / 


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